Wednesday, January 29, 2014

New Apartment!!

So last weekend my boyfriend and I signed a lease for our first place together! I'm beyond excited!! We have been searching different places the last few weeks and finally found the perfect place for us:) The apartment is in the perfect location and is exactly what I pictured for our first place! Almost seems too good to be true.

I feel as if the searching was the hard part. Now that that part is done, the fun begins. Its time to pick out furniture, dishes and decorations. Everything that he is probably not looking forward! Hahaha ;)

I am really looking forward to the change and moving to a new place. Plus this is a big step for us as a couple! Right now I live with family and  I can't wait to have that feeling of independence and doing things our way!  Now the next step will be working on him to get me that puppy ;)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Not enough time in the day

   Do you ever feel like there isn't enough time in the day? My normal week day consists of working all day and then coming to school. Then after class go home to do homework and get my things prepared for the next day at work. Some days I'm lacking sleep so much that I'm just slap happy from all the caffeine.
   I really have no idea how you parents do it. Some of our classmates are full time students, work a full time job and are parents! I don't have kids, but kudos to the students who are parents!  You all have way better time management then I'll ever have! :)
   During the week while running around like a chicken with its head cut off all I can think of is how I cant wait until Friday and Saturday (my days off). So when you do have free time, enjoy it. Spend time with your family, friends or spouse. Because before you know it, its back to the crazy!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A day at work is always different, yet the same

I work in an Alzheimer's/Dementia Unit. One would not understand what this is like until you have experienced time there yourself. Everyday is different, yet always the same.
My job title is Memory Support Activities Coordinator. My job is to keep our residents busy or occupied to promote better quality of life. If you have ever walked into a nursing home, you generally see residents sleeping or laying around with no energy. That's where I come in! I keep a happy environment for people who are very confused. So needless to say my day can be somewhat chaotic. I have some residents who mentally, are in a different time in their life. So something as simple as telling them the date can completely set them into a outburst of confusion. Or I have residents who are no longer vocal. Trying to put a smile on their face can be a all day task. Or I have residents who can no longer even speak in a sentence, when they speak its a jumbled mess.
The job of trying to keep my residents busy and live a better quality of life is difficult. But I truly enjoy it. Knowing that I make a difference in someones life is a great feeling, even if they dont remember me the next hour.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


 Everyone has their own opinion on everything. But when someone is opinionated about you, you get offended. I find it so aggravating when someone walks around saying things like, "I'm just saying what I think" or "I'm entitled to my own opinion" and then they get upset when someone states their opinion about them or something that they are doing. 

Its like come on! You cant have it both ways. You cant go around saying what you think to everyone and the minute someone says something about you, you get mad. It doesn't work like that.

I'm obviously venting with a current situation I'm watching a friend go through. But does anyone have any thoughts? One cant get mad when they are constantly voicing their opinion for everyone to hear but then get mad when someone says what they think of them!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


So I was thinking today, I do a lot of waiting. You can't go a day without waiting! There are different types of waiting. Good waiting and bad waiting. When I think about waiting the first thing I think of is waiting at the doctors office or in line at Publix! I'm not even going to mention the waiting in line at Wal-Mart, how are there 30 check out lanes and only 2 are open? These are examples of bad waiting. Oh and of course waiting at a red light on 436 for about 3-5 minutes.

Good waiting is also like anticipation. For example, my boyfriend Jacob travels for his job, as soon as he leaves to be on the road for 2-3 weeks at a time I find myself waiting for him to get back. Waiting in a way can be comforting. You know what the outcome will be, just wait for it.  Good waiting is enjoying the moments leading up to the big amazing moment you have been WAITING for! Good waiting is about enjoying the road leading to your destination! Another example of good waiting is, waiting for the birth of a child. I'm waiting for next month when my niece is born. My sister is waiting 9 months for that moment when she brings a child into this world! Waiting for that heartfelt moment!

Waiting is not an option. It's something you have to do. Like it or not, good or bad. You may be waiting for good news, waiting on your friend who is always late, waiting for your flight, waiting on dinner at your favorite restaurant, waiting on your hair straightener to heat up or waiting on your boyfriend to propose *aaahhem! cough cough!* You may be waiting for a long time or a blink of an eye. But please, do yourself a favor and don't be impatient, it's not worth the aggravation. What is meant to happen will happen if you just, wait!