Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A day at work is always different, yet the same

I work in an Alzheimer's/Dementia Unit. One would not understand what this is like until you have experienced time there yourself. Everyday is different, yet always the same.
My job title is Memory Support Activities Coordinator. My job is to keep our residents busy or occupied to promote better quality of life. If you have ever walked into a nursing home, you generally see residents sleeping or laying around with no energy. That's where I come in! I keep a happy environment for people who are very confused. So needless to say my day can be somewhat chaotic. I have some residents who mentally, are in a different time in their life. So something as simple as telling them the date can completely set them into a outburst of confusion. Or I have residents who are no longer vocal. Trying to put a smile on their face can be a all day task. Or I have residents who can no longer even speak in a sentence, when they speak its a jumbled mess.
The job of trying to keep my residents busy and live a better quality of life is difficult. But I truly enjoy it. Knowing that I make a difference in someones life is a great feeling, even if they dont remember me the next hour.


  1. Awww.. Seems rough, but rewarding! I bet they are thankful! HAVE FUN!

  2. That sounds like a very rewarding job but yes, still sad at the same time. I have 2 uncles that suffer from those diseases and it's sad to see them forget the things we take for granted. You seem like a great person for that job! :)

  3. Yes your job is very rewarding, I was a caregiver for my father whom suffered from Dementia, so I can relate to what you are talking about , he would wake up in the middle of the night have his hat and coat and gloves on ready to walk out the door, he would wander in the middle of the night, so I remember not resting well for fear of him leaving the house and getting lost.

  4. I must state you are a very strong person indeed. It takes a certain type of person to carry such a rewarding and yet sad occupation. I see myself as being made of steel, but I would crumble under the circumstances.
