Saturday, January 11, 2014


 Everyone has their own opinion on everything. But when someone is opinionated about you, you get offended. I find it so aggravating when someone walks around saying things like, "I'm just saying what I think" or "I'm entitled to my own opinion" and then they get upset when someone states their opinion about them or something that they are doing. 

Its like come on! You cant have it both ways. You cant go around saying what you think to everyone and the minute someone says something about you, you get mad. It doesn't work like that.

I'm obviously venting with a current situation I'm watching a friend go through. But does anyone have any thoughts? One cant get mad when they are constantly voicing their opinion for everyone to hear but then get mad when someone says what they think of them!!


  1. LOL this is a instant flashback I'm dated a guy who was like this person said what he wants to say when he feels like and how he felt. But the minute anyone told him about himself he got a attitude and refused to speak for 2-3 days. I had to learn to still speak your mind because at the end of the day if it's the truth that's being told you ain't hurting no one. The more I kept my mouth shout the more I stressed and he would go to sleep just find. This person just need to speak there mind and leave the rest in God's hand.

  2. Too funny! I do not mean to laugh, but the scenario reminds me of my ex-husband. One of the many reasons we parted ways. It's just like Crucian_Butterfly said... Kept my mouth shut and stressed, while he would go sleep without a care in the world. I thank God, I do not deal with that any more.
