Wednesday, February 5, 2014

someone has it worse

As I've stated in previous blogs I work in a facility with Alzheimer/Dementia patients. Needless to say, pretty much everyday that I walk into work, its a real reality check. I watch family members of our patients cry because their loved one no longer knows who they are. So the next time your upset with one of your parents/loved one, just think....what if they no longer even knew who you are. Its so sad watching families go through Alzheimer's Disease. There have been days when I take my break and call my family just to hear their voice. So please don't take your family for granted. No matter how frustrated you get with your family, someone always has it worse than you.

Everyone has bad days. And no matter what you say, you sweat the small stuff from time to time. But what really aggravates me is when people complain and whine about their life and how hard they have it. But when you ask them what they are doing to try to change it, they say nothing. When people show no effort it really bothers me. Don't you realize that their are people who can no longer do things for themselves, and here you are perfectly capable....and you want to feel sorry for yourself instead.

Please don't take your life and time with loved ones for granted. You never know what could happen tomorrow.
Take time to stop and smell the roses.


  1. very true #realitycheck

  2. I agree with you. I always say to myself when things are bad that it can always be worse and trust me they can. I have lost many loved ones and I know what it means to treasure the moments you have left with people.

  3. I agree with you too. I fully understand that life is too short to take it for granted and if we really love our family, we should spend more time with them.

  4. We seem to forget that life is only what you allow it to do to you or make you.
