Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Where I come from...

Ive been thinking lately a lot about where I came from. I come from a very small town where there are no opportunities unless you drive an hour to the nearest city. Now when I say small town, I mean there is nothing there. Nothing besides and IGA and corn fields. And that IGA is closed by 8:00pm. The type of town where the only excitement is the Friday night football game! The type of town where the nearest mall is over an hour away. The type of place that everyone knows yours and your mothers business!
Im so glad I was raised in an area where I understand the meaning of small town and togetherness. I personally cant imagine growing up in a city. But some people are so unhappy in small towns like this that they live a miserable life and all they want is change. But they are so scared to leave and experience new places because that small town is all that they have ever known.
I remember when I was 19 years old I had a fire lit inside me and I knew I wanted to leave. My family and I have always been very close. So when I decided I wanted to move would have thought the world was ending haha!;) My mom was freaking out and my sister was so scared of me living so far away someplace new. And now, I know moving is one of the best things I have ever done!!!
In my hometown I never would have found the type of job I have now. Nor would I have the opportunity to go back to school so close to my house. I have met friends, my boyfriend and people who are like family to me here. Dont get me wrong, I go home to see my family every three months. Im blessed I get to see them that often. It hurts being far away from them. But having my independance is so great! I have literally made my own life here!
Who knows, maybe one day I will end up back there when I want to settle down and have children because my small town is a perfect place to grow up. But for now, Im loving what I have here and am going to keep building me here! :)


  1. That's sweet. I've always wanted to grow up in a small town. I love the city but I definitely want to raise my family in a small town. Sometimes, you do have to venture off to grow as an individual but there's nothing wrong with going back to your roots.

  2. Awww.. I've always wanted to go to a small town and live there for just a little bit to see what it's like...

  3. You go girl!!! I commend you for stepping out and venturing. My girls and I lived the military life style, moving every three to four years. I look back and enjoyed every bit of it. The opportunity to meet new friends and experience different cities and small country towns. If I new there was a job waiting for me some where else and three years, I would definitely be moving. Enjoy life, you only live once.

  4. Small town life way to go not a whole a lot of cars and pollution. And at least everyone knows and look out for everyone.

  5. I wasn't raised in a small town. Born and raised in the city but most of family, aunt and uncles, were born in a small town and they couldn't have been closer. Most of them still do live in small towns here and there. When we got together though, in those little old towns, it was a nice quiet getaway. Nothing but peace. It's funny that the people in small towns can't wait to get out and us city folk enjoy the peace.
